All persons enter or dwell in the premises of Zwartkop Country Club (Pty)Ltd, Old Johannesburg Rd, Lyttelton, Pretoria at their own risk.
Zwartkop Country Club, their members, employees, contractors, sub-contractors, agents, workmen or representatives (hereinafter jointly and severally referred to as the “company”) do not accept any responsibility for any injury to any person, or loss of or damage to property, regardless whether such injury, loss or damage results from the negligence of the company or from any other cause whatsoever.
Any person/s accompanying or in control of a minor or a person with limited capacity (where more than one person, jointly and severally) indemnify/ies the company against any claim by such minor or person arising from or in connection with his/her presence in the premises, including specifically without being limited thereto, any claims in respect of injury, loss or damage, as afore-mentioned, and arising from any cause referred to above.